Through this policy, the terms, principles, rules, and powers of publishing operations are established and the effective use of the content of the Secretariat's website is coordinated in order to provide a valuable service to the customer, which must be followed and adhered to its requirements in preparing the materials that are displayed and published on the website.

The policy includes the following:

- Responsibilities and powers

- General principles.

- Content text standards.

- Image standards.

- Link standards.

- Content standards and ease of search.

- Publication standards.

   Responsibilities and powers:

The management of the website is committed to the General Directorate of Media and Institutional Communication about publishing, reviewing the content, and expressing comments as it deems appropriate, in line with the media and communication appearance of the Secretariat and achieving its goals. The concerned departments in the Secretariat are committed to creating electronic content, each in its own field, with continuous follow-up to update its content by specifying a liaison officer from each department in the Secretariat to ensure the quality of the transmitted content, "the validity and approval of the information ... and so on" while providing the content management with any update It affects the content published on the official website of the Secretariat and the immediate response to the content management requirements of the General Directorate of Media and Corporate Communication.

General principles:

- Attention to the quality of the published material in terms of the beauty of the wording, the arrangement of ideas and the smoothness of expression.

- The content should not violate the site regulations or state regulations.

- Do not add content that exposes the privacy of others.

- Ensure that the content is correct and free from grammatical and spelling errors.

- Format content to appear appropriately in terms of consistency, arrangement, and appearance.

- It should not conflict with religion, government regulations, approved policies, the university, the state, or the agencies supervising information technology.

   Content text standards:

- The beginning of the page should include a title that attracts the reader and understands the content of the topic.

- Use sub-headings and headlines, distinguishing between them.

- Do not overuse different types of fonts and use only one or two fonts at most.

- Ensure that the data is correct and free from grammatical and spelling errors.

- The texts should be brief in presenting the idea contained in the page.

- Do not place more than one topic on one page as much as possible.

- Summarize and put the main points of the topic at the beginning so that the user does not miss the opportunity and does not read in detail.

- The user is looking for important information for his needs and does not want to read every letter, so help him by highlighting the important thing with a sign, putting it as a title, enumeration.

   Photo criteria:

- Attention to the quality of the image, its artistic output, and the provision of an element of attraction in it.

- Adjust the size and size of the image as required.

- The image should be appropriate and expressive of the content.

- Placing text explaining images that contain graphic figures or illustrations.

- Do not publish pictures that violate Islamic law or state regulations, or that are offensive to modesty.

   Link standards:

- All links included in the content are working correctly and properly.

- Do not link to websites of unknown origin, and the links must be governmental or accredited.

- Do not add empty links, and you must ensure that all links have content.

  Content criteria and ease of search:

- Using a variety of commonly used words to ensure more search opportunities for content.

- Commitment when writing content titles to clarity and detail so that it is easy to search for them in search engines.

   Publication criteria:

- Review and proofread the content well before publishing.

- Approving the content from the competent department that owns the content before publishing it.

The speed of publishing content in conjunction with the event.

Arrange the published article according to its date.

- Copyright and intellectual property rights must be observed.