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Al-Ghattameya village is located on the eastern side of Wadi Baida on the public road, about 8 km northeast of Al-Atawla village. It is a heritage village located on a rocky slope with little elevation, and consists of a number of residential buildings, most of which are adjacent to each other and were built on the natural sloping ground, which required the builders to deal with special treatment in reinforcing the facades of the buildings. As a result, the buildings appeared monolithic and supported like a castle on the top of the mountain. Most of the houses are one or two stories high, abandoned and partially dilapidated. The juxtaposition of the buildings resulted in the appearance of the village as an architectural fabric expressive of the local style of heritage village planning. The village is surrounded by a number of forts, some of which are up to 15 meters high. Their walls were built The walls were built using stones stacked on top of each other in an artistic way that requires high professional expertise, and were reinforced on the inside with a thick layer of mud and clay. It is noteworthy that building craftsmen were creative in the formations of external facades and architectural openings through stone protrusions and external stone staircases. The facades consisted of large and solid stones. The roofs were also built using tree trunks and trunks, and a layer of Ti was installed on top of them. shake and which : Tree branches, topped with clay and mud. In a number of houses, roofs were built on rectangular wooden poles topped with a larger piece of wood that resembled the crown of the pole, known locally as a mizrahi. The mizrah is considered a distinctive architectural element of this architectural style in this region. The doors and windows of the houses were characterized by their thickness and were made of thick logs. A decorative wooden frame can be seen around the architectural openings. Since no modern buildings were observed within the boundaries of the heritage village or adjacent to it, the

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