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The heritage neighbourhood (Central Beljarshi) is located in the centre of Beljarshi city, adjacent to the weekly popular market in Beljarshi (Saturday Market) and is characterised by the presence of a large number of heritage buildings that still maintain their cohesion in general, despite the demolition and abandonment of a large number of them. Most of the neighbourhood's houses date back to the 12th century AH, and their walls were built using stones stacked on top of each other in an artistic way that requires high professional expertise, and were shortened on the inside with a thick layer of mud and milk. The roofs were built using large tree trunks, topped with a layer of tree branches, and covered with mud and clay. The roof rests on tree trunks, similar to the overhead bridges in modern buildings, and is supported by rectangular wooden pillars topped with a larger piece that resembles the crown of the pillar and is decorated on all sides, known locally as the mizrahi. The mizrahi is a distinctive architectural element of this architectural style in this region. The doors of the houses were made of thick timber and were often painted with tar to preserve their strength and durability. It can be seen that the neighbourhood's houses are separate and adjacent to each other, forming a number of alleys that create an architectural fabric expressive of the local pattern in the layout of the heritage village.

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